I love Estonian Baltic herring

Baltic herring, featured on our tables for generations now, has always been caught from the Baltic Sea. The possibilities for preparing it are endless. Our Baltic herring is marinated in combination with local traditional and Mediterranean flavours. On the plate, it’s coupled with herring roe.
Baltic herring is the Estonian national fish which we have good reason to be proud of. Historically, this fish was the food that kept Estonians from going hungry. Small, often overlooked, but also very valuable and delicious.
This dish is made special by our ethnic raw produce which we use and combine to highlight the flavours. Mild, but very rich flavours together with the visual side offer a magnificent symbiosis for all our guests who appreciate good food. We’ll recommend a worthy partner to our “Ethnic Baltic herring” from the wine rack of the restaurant.
Kaido Metsa
Chef de cuisine
Gloria Veinikelder
Gloria Veinikelder
Müürivahe 2, Tallinn
6 406 804