I love Estonian milk

Roomet Sõrmus – Head of Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce
I love Estonian milk, because my entire life has been connected with milk. Milk was around me in childhood, milk has brought me together with my best friends, I wrote my university graduation thesis about milk, and milk is a major part of my current job.
My mother and father worked in dairy industry for a long time, and thus my childhood passed between dairy trucks and butter boxes. It is hard to imagine something better than fresh butter, produced by master butter specialists few minutes ago and just fallen out of the tube...
Milk has been on my table as long as I remember. Today it may seem funny, but in the childhood, my favourite food was sour cream with sugar and cocoa. Of course, I would have liked also cheese curds, but in Põlva it was impossible to get them.
Even now, every morning starts with milk. To start a day, I drink a cup of coffee with plenty of fresh Estonian milk. There must always be some milk in the fridge, otherwise I cannot drink coffee.
Milk is a truly valuable food, raw material for various delicious products. Curd, sour cream, cheese, kephir, yoghurt – this list could be continued still for long.
For me as a passionate hobby cook, dairy products are indispensable raw material in my kitchen for preparing salted as well as sweet dishes. One of my favourites is curd cake, for which baking much Estonian butter is used in addition to curd. I always use genuine butter for baking, because butter gives the right taste to cake.
I am glad that thanks to committed work of our farmers and care of our dairymen the counters of dairy products are full in Estonian shops, and the range includes many excellent products. Milk is the pearl of every day!